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scvi-tools (single-cell variational inference tools) is a package for probabilistic modeling of single-cell omics data, built on top of PyTorch and AnnData. The package hosts implementations of several models that perform a wide range of single-cell data analysis tasks, as well as the building blocks to rapidly prototype new probabilistic models.

Basic installation#

scvi-tools can be installed with pip or conda:

pip install scvi-tools
conda install scvi-tools -c conda-forge

To leverage a GPU for inference, a version of PyTorch that supports your GPU will need to be installed separately.


  • Tutorials, API reference, and advanced installation guides are available in the docs.
  • For discussion of usage, checkout out our forum.
  • For immediate public chat with the developers, come talk to us on Zulip.
  • For a skeleton of implementation of a new model in scvi-tools, refer to our template repository
  • To report bugs, make an issue on GitHub.

Single-cell omics data analysis#

Data analysis with scvi-tools is driven by model objects. Each model typically corresponds to a computational method described in a manuscript and each model may perform several important downstream tasks (with the same fit). Importantly, each model has an easy-to-use interface that conveniently interacts with Scanpy, Seurat and Bioconductor.

A full overview of each model and its corresponding analytical tasks is in the user guide. Currently we support workflows for the following modalities:

  • scRNA-seq
  • Spatial Transcriptomics
  • Multimodal (CITE-seq, Multiome)

Rapid development of novel probabilistic models#

scvi-tools facilitates rapid development and deployment of single-cell-focused probabilistic models. To achieve this, we host black-box primitives for loading data from AnnData, black-box training procedures using Lightning, and optionally provides automatic inference recipes based on Pyro. We currently support many optimization-based inference procedures including SVI, AEVB, MAP, MLE and EM. To learn more about the developer toolkit, please visit our tutorials. We also provide an example skeleton implementation of a basic scVI in PyTorch and Pyro as an independent package powered by scvi-tools. If you wish to add an implementation of your algorithm in scvi-tools, please post a GitHub issue to reach out to us.


If you use scvi-tools in your research, please consider citing

@article{Gayoso2022,         author={Gayoso, Adam and Lopez, Romain and Xing, Galen and Boyeau, Pierre and Valiollah Pour Amiri, Valeh and Hong, Justin and Wu, Katherine and Jayasuriya, Michael and   Mehlman, Edouard and Langevin, Maxime and Liu, Yining and Samaran, Jules and Misrachi, Gabriel and Nazaret, Achille and Clivio, Oscar and Xu, Chenling and Ashuach, Tal and Gabitto, Mariano and Lotfollahi, Mohammad and Svensson, Valentine and da Veiga Beltrame, Eduardo and Kleshchevnikov, Vitalii and Talavera-L{\'o}pez, Carlos and Pachter, Lior and Theis, Fabian J. and Streets, Aaron and Jordan, Michael I. and Regier, Jeffrey and Yosef, Nir},         title={A Python library for probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data},         journal={Nature Biotechnology},         year={2022},         month={Feb},         day={07},         issn={1546-1696},         doi={10.1038/s41587-021-01206-w},         url={}}

along with the publicaton describing the model used.