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scvi-tools was started at the Yosef Lab at UC Berkeley with the goal of reducing the barrier to entry for using probabilistic models in single-cell omics analyses. We are grateful to have received many code contributions on GitHub (scvi-tools graph).

Principal Investigator#

Nir YosefWeizmann Institute of Science

Core Development Team#

Can Ergen-Behr
UC Berkeley
Pierre Boyeau
UC Berkeley
Ori Kronfeld
Weizmann Institute of Science

Former Development Team Members#

We would also like to acknowledge those who helped build the original scvi package, which served as the foundation of scvi-tools.

Martin Kim
Adam GayosoGoogle DeepMind
Valeh Valiollah Pour AmiriStanford University
Justin HongColumbia University
Galen XingUC Berkeley
Romain LopezGenentech / Stanford
Yining Liu
Maxime Langevin
Gabriel Misrachi
Oscar Clivio
Jules Samaran
Valentine Svensson